Crab Stuffed Piquillo Peppers

8 piquillo peppers

1/2 pound crab meat

1 leek, the white part, thinly sliced

1/2 onion finely diced

1/2 carrot, peeled and finely chopped

3 tomatoes, skinless grated

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

1/4 cup brandy

1/4 cup sherry, amontillado or fino

1/4 cup shellfish stock

1 tbsp parsley, finely chopped

salt & pepper to taste

1 ounce butter

2 tbsp flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon paprika

2 teaspoons lemon juice

1/4 cup bread crumbs

2 tbsp parmigiano-reggiano cheese, grated

On medium heat cook the leeks, onions, tomatoes and carrots in 1/2 of the olive oil with a pinch of salt until light brown in color. Add the crab meat and mix well. when the pan has regained it's heat add the brandy, sherry and stock and reduce down until most of the moisture has evaporated.

Remove from the heat and adjust seasoning. When cool enough to handle, divide the fillings into 8 portions, then stuff the peppers. Lay them in an oiled casserole dish or individual cazuela, and either brush with the remaining olive oil or top with the following sauce.

When ready to serve, bake in a pre heated 400 oven for about 10 minutes (25 if the peppers were prepared ahead and kept in the fridge). Garnish with a sprinkling of parsley.


Make the sauce by melting the butter in a small sauté pan, adding the flour and salt and cooking over medium heat for several minutes, then whisking in the hot stock. Simmer, stirring until the mixture begins to thicken, whisk in the paprika, thinning ,if necessary, with a bit of stock. Add lemon juice to taste, and adjust seasoning. Set aside. Spoon over the peppers, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese.

Chef's notes