Fondant Potatoes

2 Russett potatoes

2 Tbs vegetable oil for frying

3 Tbs of butter

1 cup of chicken stock



Trim off enough of the end of each potato so that it has an end somewhat equivalent in diameter to the center of the potato.

Using a knife rather than a peeler slice off the potato peel so that you can accomplish a somewhat uniform diameter throughout length of potato.

Slice into approximately 2 inch high segments which might be two pieces or three depending on the length of your potato.

Place in water for at least 10 minutes and pat dry.

Get frying pan smoking hot and add peanut or vegetable oil to cover bottom of pan and then place the potatoes in the pan with the "best" side down.

Turn heat down to medium high and salt the tops of potatoes.

When first side is golden brown flip over and salt tops of potatoes again.

When both sides are golden brown, add butter and thyme

When butter creams and just starts to turn brown, add stock to half the height of the potatoes.

Bring oven to 425 degrees.

Place in oven for 40-45 minutes or until can be easily pierced.

Chef's notes