Boiled Beef Tongue

1 entire beef tongue (approximately 3 pounds)

5 cloves garlic 

3 celery stalks

2 carrots

1 quartered onion

2 bay leaves

Kosher salt


Clean tongue.

Add celery, onion, garlic, bay leaves and tongue to pot and cover with water.

Simmer covered for 3-4 hours until easily pierced.

Place it in ice water if you need to peel it quickly. Otherwise leave it in its stock for an hour and it will be easier to handle.

Peel off the skin.

Cut the "tongue looking" part of the meat into slices and do the same for the "base" of the tongue.

I use the stock for making the rice I serve with the tongue.


Save the boiling liquid from preparing the tongue to use in making mashed potatoes. Either as water to boil potatoes in or when making dish lighter with the addition of water or stock.

Alternatively in Argentina they will slice this boiled tongueand grill it quickly over a hot grill . Always included in a parillada mixta

Chef's notes